Semester I
Course Title Credits
- BUSN 1330 or Business Mathematics 3
- FINC 1231 Commercial and Financial Mathematics 3
- CSIS 1110 Introduction to Computers 3
- CMNS 1115* Practical Writing 3
- MARK 1120 Introductory Marketing 3
- MARK 2150 Personal Selling 3
*Or any ENGL university transfer course.
Semester II
- ACCT 1110 Principles of Accounting I 3
- BUSN 2429 Business Statistics 3
- MARK 3215 Buyer Behaviour 3
- MARK 3235 e-Marketing 3
- MARK 3340 Promotional Strategy 3
Semester III
- ACCT 1210 Principles of Accounting II 3
- BUSN 1210 Management Essentials 3
- MARK 3360 Customer Relationship Management 3
- MARK 4440 Marketing Strategy 3
- MARK 3441 Marketing Research 3
Semester IV
- BUSN 1320 Business Law I 3
- BUSN 4470 Business Strategy and Simulation 3
- ECON 1101 The Canadian Economy 3
- MARK 4410 Sales Management 3
- MARK 4483 Marketing Practicum 3