15-credit BA with Concentration in Gender and Women's Studies
3-year, 15-credit program
Departmental Requirements
• At least four and no more than eight credits beyond the 1000 level in Gender and Women's Studies of which two must be beyond the 2000 level
• At least three different disciplines shall be represented in a student's selection of cross-listed Gender and Women's Studies classes
- GWST 1010.03: Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies.
- GWST 1015.03: Gender and Diversity.
- GWST 2000.03: Directed Readings in Gender and Women's Studies.
- GWST 2053.03: Women and Islam.
- GWST 2066.03: Women, Gender and Music.
- GWST 2200X/Y.06: Fictions of Development.
- GWST 2217.03: Women and the Economy.
- GWST 2300.03: Making Gender: Male and Female from Antiquity to Mary Wollstonecraft.
- GWST 2301.03: Making Gender: Male and Female from the American Revolution to the Present.
- GWST 2310.03: Women and Gender in Early Modern Science.
- GWST 2320.03: Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe.
- GWST 2400X/Y.06: Work and Occupations in a Changing World.
- GWST 2500.03: Philosophical Issues of Feminism.
- GWST 2800X/Y.06: Comparative Perspectives on Gender.
- GWST 3000.03: /3001.03/3002X/Y.06: Directed Readings in Gender and Women's Studies.
- GWST 3001.03: Directed Readings.
- GWST 3006.03: Comparative Perspectives on Gender and Work.
- GWST 3013.03: Sex and Gender in Reformation Europe.
- GWST 3016.03: Women and Religion.
- GWST 3050.03: Contemporary Women Poets.
- GWST 3150.03: Sociology and Anthropology of the Body.
- GWST 3168.03: Issues in Latin American Society.
- GWST 3215.03: Feminism and Science.
- GWST 3250.03: French Women Writers through the Centuries/ Les femmes ?crivains: du temps des cath?drales ? celui.
- GWST 3300.03: Family and Community in North America 1600-1900.
- GWST 3310.03: Gender and Development in Africa.
- GWST 3350.03: Postmodern Strategies in Literature by Women.
- GWST 3365.03: Narrative Strategies in the Nineteenth Century Music: Gender, Identity, and Social Politics.
- GWST 3500.03: Contemporary Feminist Theories.
- GWST 3800.03: Gender and Health.
- GWST 3810.03: Women and Aging.
- GWST 3911.03: Gender in Theatre: A Cross-Cultural History.
- GWST 3912.03: Gender Theory and Contemporary Performance.
- GWST 4000.03: 4100.03/4200X/Y.06: Topics in Gender and Women's Studies.
- GWST 4150.03: Special Topics in Gender and Women's Studies I.
- GWST 4151.03: Special Topics in Gender and Women's Studies 2.
- GWST 4211.03: Gender and Development: Theory, Concepts and Methods.
- GWST 4250.03: Qu?bec Women Writers/?crivaines qu?b?coises.
- GWST 4300.03: Introduction to Women and the Law.
- GWST 4320.03: Empowerment, Gender and Development.
- GWST 4330.03: Topics in the History of Sexuality.
- GWST 4350.03: Human Rights Law and Protection in Canada.
- GWST 4402.03: Recent French Feminist Theory.
- GWST 4500.03: Topics in Feminist Philosophy.
- GWST 4550.03: Literary Women of French Classicism.