General Mandarin Course - Part-time

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Comments about General Mandarin Course - Part-time - Toronto - Ontario

  • Course description
    General Mandarin Course is for all students from the absolute beginner level (for students who have no Chinese language skills) to an advanced level. We offer 5 levels (15 modules, with 3 modules in each level) in the General Mandarin course, In addition to the General Mandarin Course, students can choose from a variety of classes, including 

    • Conversation (pronunciation) without using any Chinese characters; 
    • Conversation (pronunciation), reading and writing using Chinese characters;
    • Mandarin for Cantonese speakers; and
    • Only learn Chinese characters.

    Because there is a maximum of four students in each class, you get more attention from the teacher and more opportunity to practice your Mandarin. Classes are student-centred and based on the communicative approach to language teaching, and focus on conversation.

    • Speaking activities provide students with a chance to practice grammar points in actual real-life situations through the use of pair work, debates, role plays, discussions, simulations, etc.
    • Students will make presentations, this will help them to build confidence with Mandarin, and teacher will give an idea of how easily students are able to apply what they have learned. 
    • Homework to ensure the full understanding of materials and functions of the language.
    • In addition to the textbook, the use of handouts and supplementary materials will help to enhance learning.

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