Diploma in Health Care Aide

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Diploma in Health Care Aide

  • Course description
    Diploma in Health Care Aide.

    The demand for qualified caregivers continues to grow across Canada. If you love to help people, the Health Care Aide program at CDI College can prepare you for a rewarding career as a caregiver. As a graduate, you will be qualified to assist clients who require basic nursing care as well as patients living with mental health issues. In the Health Care Aide program, you will develop the skills and knowledge needed to care for people living at home and in long term care facilities. You will learn to identify and respond to their physical and emotional needs as well as promote physical and mental activity. You’ll explore anatomy, medical terminology, chronic conditions and palliative care as well. You’ll also receive practical, hands-on training on the key features of responsible and accountable care, including wheelchair safety, transfer skills, mechanical lifting and various care techniques. An integral part of the Health Care Aide program is the mandatory clinical placement that will give you valuable hands-on experience on the job. Successful completion of the program qualifies you to work in long term care facilities, home health care agencies, retirement homes, residential care centres, hospices and group homes.

    CDI College.

    Welcome to CDI College! For more than 40 years, CDI College has been one of the leading career training institutions in Canada, thanks to its commitment to quality education and the success of its students. Our rich history includes an alumni of thousands of successful graduates.

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