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Confederation College
Comments about Welding Techniques Ontario College Certificate - At the institution - Thunder Bay - Ontario
The Welding Program’s objectives are to build a solid foundation in the basics of various welding processes and to prepare students for future trends so that they can readily transfer this technology to the shop floor. State-of-the art welding equipment allows hands-on training, which enhances the classroom learning experience. Individualized and personalized instruction provides ample opportunity for one-on-one discussion on specific applications. The program conforms to and parallels with industrial standards, practices and procedures, providing graduates with the skills required to meet today’s job market and the challenges of tomorrow.
Academic title
Welding Techniques Ontario College Certificate
Course description
First Semester
Course Number/ Title Credits
IX 110 Techniques Mathematics 2
WC 121 Oxy-acetylene Welding 2
WC 122 Basic Arc Welding 6
WC 126 T-Joints 5
WC 127 Blueprint Reading 3
WC 128 Pipe to Plate 4 Total 22
Second Semester
Course Number/ Title Credits
GE 701 The Changing Workplace 3
IX 130 Techniques Introduction to Computers 2
WC 212 Pressure Plate 5
WC 215 Work Practices 2
WC 217 Basic Metallurgy 1
WC 224 Pattern Development 3
WC 225 Shop Fitting 2
WC 226 Arc Welding C.W.B. Specifications 4 Total 22
Third Semester
Course Number/ Title Hours
IX 100 Field Placement 80
WC 301 Advanced Welding 44 Total 124