Comments about Master of Public Administration - Management - At the institution - Halifax - Nova Scotia
Course Title Course Description
Government Structure and Organization This class focuses on the Canadian system of government and addresses basic organizational theory and design as well as fundamental issues of public management.
Management of People This class explores how managers can deal effectively with human problems in their organizations. Topics include motivation, leadership, communications perception and group dynamics.
Managing the Information Resource This course examines the complex technological changes public administrators grapple with. It provides broad-based information about the technological advances underway in Canada and fosters understanding of the opportunities and problems these changes present.
Policy Formulation and Analysis This course covers the techniques, theory and contextual underpinnings central to effective policy management. The course explores strategic approaches to policy design and the role of the policy analyst in modern government.
Intergovernmental Relations This class focuses on a wide array of policy areas and uses case studies to demonstrate how intergovernmental issues – such as fiscal federalism and coordination of service delivery – are successfully resolved.
Research Methods This class provides a practical setting for understanding the purchase, management and evaluation of research products. Applied research methods, research services and best practices are discussed in depth.
Managerial Economics This class elucidates basic microeconomic theories and principles and applies these to economic decisionmaking. The course increases understanding of the relationship between economic theory and economic policy.
Human Resource Management This class explores the evolving practices and challenges faced by organizations seeking to excel in human resources – an essential determinant of organizational success.
Financial and Managerial Accounting This class reviews each of the forms of accounting and financial data that public sector managers will be faced with now – and in the future. The essential concepts of financial and managerial accounting are comprehensively reviewed.
Public Economics Introduces the basic principles of public finance and macroeconomics. The role of risk analysis in public sector decision-making is also explored. The class places a special emphasis on the role of government in the economy and on the application of economic theory in public policy analysis within the framework of the Canadian federation.
Program Evaluation This class examines the theory, methods and issues of this growing field. The course emphasizes the skills necessary to assess feasibility of a program evaluation and to design it. Topics also include underlying values, alternative approaches, and implementation and utilization.
Business and Governement This class presents the relationship between government and business in North America. It offers a practical approach to understanding the differences in how government and business operate, highlighting the techniques used by each side to influence the other.
Public-Sector Financial Administration and Accountability This class focuses on the public policy and management issues of governance. It emphasizes development of the skills necessary to assess financial management approaches, develop business plans and implement performance measurement.
Strategic Management in the Public-Sector This class explores the concepts, potential and dynamics of strategic management in modern public administration. A wide variety of management instruments and techniques are analyzed.
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