National Circus School


Dedicated to circus arts
The only school to provide advanced circus arts training in North America, the NationalCircus School is an institution for higher education with a primary mission to prepare circus artists. Internationally renowned for highest-quality training, the School opens its doors to more than 100 students from around the world. The School’s staff, a dedicated team comprised of more than 50 teachers, lecturers and artistic consultants, provides students with exceptional resources. These passionate and experienced professionals have all made a mark in their respective fields, which encompass circus, education, sports and the performing arts, in Canada and beyond. With facilities that cater to all disciplines while promoting safety, the School provides a unique learning environment.

A Higher Education in the Arts

A school for higher education in arts, after the great schools of music, dance and theatre, the NCS also offers academic subjects at the secondary and college levels. Moreover, it is the only circus school in the western world to offer the complete spectrum of professional education, from preparatory programs for young people ages 9 and older to professional placement for graduate artists, as well as training circus instructors and trainers.

Through its efforts to insure that circus arts training leads to a diploma recognized by the Quebec ministry for Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, the School has contributed towards enhancing the social standing of circus artists.

After 25 years, the circus world of today includes hundreds of artists who have undertaken professional training at NCS. The placement rate for graduates averages 95 percent. On the strength of their great versatility and mastery of their chosen discipline, these artists continue to develop their crafts as they perform in the most prestigious venues on all continents.

In every country where the contemporary circus has taken root, the NCS has come to be considered a resource in matters pertaining to the training of highest-caliber circus artists. Its international standing also translates into an ability to attract students from around the globe.

The premises are adapted and equipped for the practice of all circus disciplines. They also contain dance, acting, music and body-building studios as well as classrooms for teaching academic subjects, a reference library specializing in the circus arts, and spaces dedicated to training services and the School's administrative offices. In addition, specific facilities will be available for professional circus artists and companies for training, creative, production and performance purposes.

The new building was designed by the Montreal architectural firm Lapointe, Magne et Associés, which won the Architectural Competition held by the National Circus School in 2001.

Training offer