Diploma in Cyber Security Specialist

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Diploma in Cyber Security Specialist

  • Course description Diploma in Cyber Security Specialist.

    Credential Earned : Diploma

    The increased reliance on computer systems, the internet, and connected technologies has made cybersecurity a critical concern for organizations and individuals alike. Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from cyber threats and cyberattacks.

    The Cybersecurity Specialist diploma program at Vancouver Career College will prepare students to access, plan, and implement cybersecurity defense strategies. In 76 weeks, including a 210-hour hands-on practicum, learn how to plan, implement, administer, support, and secure networked computer systems and their users. In addition, you will learn how to monitor and evaluate networks for security risks and vulnerabilities. Industry and vendor certifications have become a benchmark used by employers during the hiring process.

    The Cybersecurity Specialist program helps students prepare for certification examinations in the following areas:

    • Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) A+, Net+, Security+, CySA+, Pentest+
    • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
    • Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert  (MCSE)

    Why choose vancouver career college?

    Researching programs and gathering information about schools takes time. And you need to consider whether the school will help you meet your personal and professional needs as well as provide you with a top-notch education.

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