Certificate/Diploma in General Arts and Science - Pre-Animation and Illustration

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Certificate/Diploma in General Arts and Science - Pre-Animation and Illustration

  • Objectives The General Arts and Science-Pre-Animation and Illustration program will appeal to students who are interested in art, drawing, animation, life drawing, illustration, comic books and photography. The program is designed to help students determine if they have the interest, motivation, creativity and dexterity to pursue a career in animation or illustration. Students experience college delivery of course material while developing a portfolio and building their drawing and creative skills to prepare for further studies in animation and illustration. One-Year Certificate Program On successful completion of two semesters (September-April), students will be eligible to graduate and receive Ontario College Certificate. Graduates may apply to another program at the College or may continue their studies in the second year of the General Arts and Science program. Some credits acquired during the one year certificate program may be considered as transfer credits towards other college programs.
  • Academic title Certificate/Diploma in General Arts and Science - Pre-Animation and Illustration
  • Course description
    Level 1

    ANI1600 Layout Design I

    This course develops the skills required for solid layout design for Animation or Illustration. This will include a strong understanding of perspective, staging and the construction of various environments and objects through a series of lectures, exercises and group critiques. The course centers on creating three-dimensional spaces and objects that meet Animation/Illustration design industry standards.

    ANI1601 Character Design I

    The student will learn the foundation of solid character design needed in all drawing related fields. The course will show how to create a variety of character designs through a series of lectures, exercises and group critiques. This will include a structural breakdown of the head and body that will make the student's designs manipulatable for drawing consistently and from any angle. All characters will be designed within a floor plan environment. Other elements include balance, rotation designs through animation techniques and stylized illustration design.

    ANI1602 Life Drawing I

    This course will introduce the student to drawing the human form. Its main objectives are to develop the student's knowledge of the body and how it relates to a two dimensional surface, and to develop the student's observation skills. The emphasis throughout the semester will be on proportion and precision in drawing. The students will attain this through the use of casts and prolonged poses.

    DAT5758 Computer Foundations I

    This course provides an introduction to the use of a current word processor, presentation software, spreadsheet, Internet browser, email and operating system.

    ENL1813G Communications I

    Communication remains an essential skill sought by employers, regardless of discipline or field of study. Using a practical, vocation-oriented approach, students focus on meeting the requirements of effective communication. Through a combination of lectures, exercises, and independent learning, students practise writing, speaking, reading, listening, locating and documenting information, and using technology to communicate professionally. Students develop and strengthen communication skills that contribute to success in both educational and workplace environments.

    SSC0056 Digital Photography

    This course will provide an introduction to photography using digital technology specifically for the Pre-Animation/Illustration students. Students will explore the functions, operations and formats available through camera technology. The focus will be on composition, lighting, perspective, and accumulating reference materials for the drawing courses. Students will be required to have access to a basic digital camera. Specifications for the camera are as follows: minimum 4-5 megapixels.

    Level 2

    ANI0017 Portfolio Preparation

    This course is designed to help the student create a solid, appealing portfolio that meets the requirements of the program of their chosen field. The course will focus on professional scanning, image manipulation through Adobe Photoshop, page layout, printing and an introduction to colour theory. The course will also introduce the student to the possible means of advertising their artwork on the Internet through the use of forums, blogs, and personal websites.

    ANI1610 Layout Design II

    This course continues where Layout Design I left off. Complex shapes such as rotating stairways and vehicles will be designed through a series of lectures, exercises and group critiques. The student is encouraged to observe and sketch from life to build a visual library of their surroundings. Time will be spent on describing a variety of textures through line quality (rock, foliage, metal, wood, etc.). Students learn about complex, non-standard layout design.

    ANI1611 Character Design II

    This course will introduce more complex concepts while reinforcing the foundation built in Character Design I through a series of lectures, exercises and group critiques. Topics will include: action lines, characters drawn with dynamic posing, characters drawn with expressive features and characters drawn within an environment designed by the student.

    ANI1612 Life Drawing II

    This course will continue the work started in Life Drawing I. It will focus on two aspects of life drawing. First, the student will hone their drawing skills by becoming competent at drawing portraits. This ensures that skills learned in first semester have solidified. The second aspect relates to light, how it affects the human form and how it translates to a two dimensional surface. These are attained through the use of casts and life models.

    ENL1823G Communications II

    This course develops critical elements of workplace communication with emphasis on clear writing techniques. In addition, students give presentations supported by technology and assess their own communication skills.

    HIS0012 History of Animation

    This course takes a look at the evolution of animation in the past century. Students will learn about technical and technological breakthroughs in the animation process, such as sound, colour and CGI. Various animation styles, such as Hanna Barbara and Disney, will be studied as drawing assignments.
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