Bachelor of Arts in Serbian Studies

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Bachelor of Arts in Serbian Studies

  • Academic title Bachelor of Arts in Serbian Studies
  • Course description Serbian Courses

    SLA207Y1 Elementary Serbian

    Basic phonology, orthography, morphology and syntax. Development of practical language skills--reading, writing, listening, speaking--with simple texts, compositions, life situation dialogues, and dictations. (Offered in alternate years)

    SLA217Y1 - Serbian Cultural History (formerly SLA217H)

    A survey of Serbian culture in literature, science, philosophy, film and the fine arts during two millennia of European history. The legacy of the Byzantine and Roman Empires; the medieval Serbian kingdom; Serbs in the Baroque Enlightenment; the Serbian Insurrections and national rebirth; Romanticism, Realism, and Modernism. Readings in English with accompanying original texts in Serbian.
    Exclusion: SLA217H

    SLA307Y1 - Advanced Serbian

    Application of orthographic rules to word formation and the syntax of compound sentences. Perfection of language usage through exercises in translation, composition, and oral expression. Extensive readings from contemporary Serbian authors. (Offered in alternate years)
    Prerequisite: SLA207Y or equivalent knowledge of the language

    SLA327H1 - The Balkan Short Story

    Studies of short works written since 1950. Focus on current trends -- the Second Moderna, Jeans Prose, Post-Modernism, Hyperfiction -- and innovative fiction by Andric, Bulatovic, Desnica, Kis, Marinkovic, Novak, Pavic, Selimovic, and others. Readings in English with accompanying texts in the original.

    SLA337H1 - Political Drama from Dubrovnik to the Danube

    The development of theatre traditions as reflected in dramatic masterworks from the Renaissance to the present. Plays by Drzic, Gundulic, Sterija Popovic, Vojnovic, Nusic, Krleza, Snajder, Simovic, and others. Readings in English with accompanying texts in the original.

    SLA347H1 - South Slavic Folklore

    Ethnographic, generic and stylistic study of the customs, oral lore and native traditions among pagan, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Moslem Slavs. Study of the role of folklore in the ethnogenesis of national culture. Proverbs, myths, legends, folktales, lyric songs and heroic epics. Readings in English with accompanying genre texts in the original.

    SLA417H1 - Modern Serbian Bards (formerly SLA407H)

    Verse since 1900 by the major poets of the nation. Focus on poetics, versification and literary history of the Serbian Moderna, Surrealism, and other Avant-Garde movements in Serbia up to the present. Works by Santic, Ducic, Popa, Pavlovic, Balasevic and others. Readings in Serbian and English.
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