Bachelor of Arts in Canadian Studies

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Bachelor of Arts in Canadian Studies

  • Objectives The new Dalhousie Canadian Studies Programme, with its various options, allows students to deepen their understanding of Canada in an exciting and coherent interdisciplinary context. As a second field of study leading to an Emphasis or a Minor, a Double Major or a Joint Honours B.A. or B.Sc., it provides the opportunity to enrich and enhance a student’s work on Canadian topics beyond his or her primary departmental home. To this end, Canadian Studies provides both a group of core classes taught by our cross-appointed faculty and a long list of offerings “approved with Canadian Studies” from the various contributing departments throughout the University.
  • Academic title Bachelor of Arts in Canadian Studies
  • Course description CANA 2000.06:  The Idea of Canada

    This course employs an interdisciplinary approach to focus on selected themes in Canadian history and society. Beginning with the premise that a nation is, fundamentally, a “narration,” it asks: “What sorts of stories do Canadians tell about themselves? Hence the course is centred on important texts - novels, poems, films, songs, and documentaries - that relate formative events in Canadian history and that point to new, contested, directions for the future. Themes may include, but are not restricted to: aboriginal peoples; ethnicity, race, and multiculturalism; regional identity and regional conflict; World Wars I and II; and the emergence of a globalized and urbanized Canada.

    Instructors: C. Campbell & C. Dawson

    NOTE: Students taking this class must register in both X and Y in consecutive terms; credit will be given only if both are completed consecutively.

    CANA 3010.03 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Canadian

    Themes taught by one faculty member, the class will explore in depth a single Canadian issue, topic or theme, drawing on research that crosses disciplinary borders. Topics dealt with in different years might include "The Idea of North," "Multiculturalism," "National Security." The topic in 2008/2009 is Theme: Mockumentaries & Documentaries.  More information..........

    Instructors: D. Irvine

    Prerequisite:  CANA 2000 or another class "Approved" with Canadian Studies.

    CANA 3020.03 Canadian Cultural Landscapes

    This course explores the origins of one "signature" landscape in each province. Contact with different geographies shaped distinctive regional histories; but at the same time, the story of each place is tied to the national narrative. These landscapes also illuminate how nature has been understood, used, and transformed since the fifteenth century.

    Instructor: C. Campbell

    Format: Seminar/Discussion

    Prerequisites: CANA 2000 or other class approved with Canadian Studies, or Instructor/Coordinator approval

    CANA 4000.03: Seminar in Canadian Studies

    This interdisciplinary seminar will be taught by a number of professors in various disciplines. In individual weekly seminars students will consider essays and other short readings in Comparative Religion, Economics, English, French (in translation), History, Music,  Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology and Social Anthropology, Theatre and Law. The class is designed to provide students with the opportunity to consider the structure and content of Canadian society from a variety of academic viewpoints - philosophical, historical, political, sociological, and literary. Students must have obtained at least ten undergraduate credits before enrolling in the seminar.

    Instructors:  B.Bednarski, S.Burns, P.Girard, W.Kemp, B.Lesser, D.Overton, D.Stairs, D.Sutherland, A.Wainwright, M.Zentilli and B. Noble.

    Format: Seminar/Discussion

    Prerequisite:  Students must have obtained at least ten undergraduate credits before enrolling in the seminar.

    NOTE:  CANA 4000.03 is also open, as an elective class, to Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences students with an interest in Canadian Studies who may or may not complete the Canadian-content requirements for Emphasis.

    CANA 4001.03: Topics in Canadian Studies

    This class will provide students with an opportunity to develop, in close consultation with a faculty member, a topic in Canadian Studies growing out of the work done in the seminar CANA 3000.03.  Research will culminate in the writing of a major paper. There will be regular one-to-one meetings with the chosen faculty member and progress meetings of the whole group. The class is open to all students who have completed CANA 3000.03, and it is highly recommended for those seeking the Emphasis in Canadian Studies.

    Instructors:  R. Apostle, B.Bednarski, S.Burns, P.Butler, L.Carbert, C.Dawson, C.Elson, T.Faulkner, P.Girard, W.Kemp, B.Lesser, P.Monk, I.Oore, D.Overton, T.Scassa, J.Smith, D.Stairs, D.Sutherland, E.Thornhill, S. Tillotson, A.Wainwright, M.Zentilli

    Format:  Seminar/Tutorial

    Prerequisite: CANA 4000.03

    NOTE: CANA 4001.03 is also open, as an elective class, to Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences students with an interest in Canadian Studies who may not complete the Canadian-content requirements for Emphasis.

    NOTE: Classes marked * are not offered every year. Please consult the current timetable on registration to determine if these classes are offered.

    Canadian Studies Timetable 2008/2009

    Comparative Religion Classes Approved with Canadian Studies

        *  COMR 3003X/Y.06   Religion in Canada

    Earth Sciences Classes Approved with Canadian Studies

        * ERTH 2410.03: Environmental and Resource Geology I

    Economics Classes Approved with Canadian Studies

        * ECON 2217.03   Women and the Economy
        * ECON 2218.03   The Canadian Economy in the New Millennium
        * ECON 2233.03   Canadian Economic History I
        * ECON 2234.03   Canadian Economic History II
        * ECON 3317.03   Poverty and Inequality
        * ECON 3319.03   Industrial Organization - Market Conduct and Market Performance
        * ECON 3326.03   Money and Banking
        * ECON 3332.03   Resource Economics
        * ECON 3336.03   Regional Development
        * ECON 3344.03   Public Finance I
        * ECON 3345.03   Public Finance II
        * ECON 4419.03   Canadian Competition Policy
        * ECON 4426.03   Monetary Policy

    Other Economics classes that deal with Canadian issues are available.  Students should consult with the Chair and with the Coordinator of Canadian Studies.
    English Classes Approved With Canadian Studies

        * ENGL 2207X/Y.06   Canadian Literature
        * ENGL 3231 Modern Canadian Literature
        * ENGL 3270.03:   Contemporary Canadian Literature
        * ENGL 4400 - 4499   Studies in National Literatures

    Environmental Studies Classes Approved With Canadian Studies

        * ENVS 3200.03   Introduction to Environmental Law
        * ENVS 3210.03:   Environmental Law II: Natural Justice and Unnatural Acts

    French Classes Approved With Canadian Studies

        * FREN 2021.03/FREN 2022.03   Langue et culture/Language and Culture  (This is a multi-section class.  Check with the French Department to determine which sections have Canadian content.)
        * FREN 2203.03   Approches du texte littéraire/Approaches to Literary Texts
        * FREN 3025.03   Les Parlers acadiens: Introduction linguistique/Linguistic Introduction to Acadian Dialectology
        * FREN 3026.03     Le français québécois/Québec French
        * FREN 3900.03/FREN 3901   La littérature canadienne-française/French Canadian Literature
        * FREN 3910.03   Études acadiennes/Acadian Studies
        * FREN 4902.03   Écrivains québécois contemporains/Contemporary Quebec Writers
        * FREN 4904.03   Écrivaines québécoises/Quebec Women Writers

    Health Services Classes Approved With Canadian Studies

        * HESA 4000.03   Canadian Health Care Delivery System
        * HESA 4002.03   Health Human Resource Management
        * HESA 4003.03   Quality Management
        * HESA 4400.03   Introduction to Health Care Economics

    History Classes Approved With Canadian Studies

        * HIST 2211.03   Social History of Canada Before 1870
        * HIST 2212.03   Social History of Canada Since 1870
        * HIST 2221.03   Rough Justice: Canadian Popular Culture to the 1890's
        * HIST 2222.03   Rough Justice: Canadian Popular Culture, 1890 to Present
        * HIST 2230X/Y.06   Canada in the 20th Century
        * HIST 2250.03: The Canadian West
        * HIST 2261.03   True Believers 1914 to Present - The Left and Right in Canadian Politics
        * HIST 2271.03   Atlantic Canada to Confederation
        * HIST 2272.03   Atlantic Canada Since Confederation
        * HIST 3220.03   Youth Culture in Canada, 1950's to 1970's
        * HIST 3222.03   Topics in Canadian Social History, 19th and 20th Centuries
        * HIST 3223.03   The Caring Society? - Welfare in Canada since 1900
        * HIST 3226.03   Law and Justice in Canadian Society to 1890
        * HIST 3227.03   Criminal Law, Crime and Punishment in Canadian Society, 1890 to Present
        * HIST 3228X/Y.06   Religion in Canada
        * HIST 3245.03   French Canada
        * HIST 3255.03   The Age of MacDonald and Laurier
        * HIST 3273.03   Nova Scotia: Pre-Confederation
        * HIST 3274.03   Nova Scotia: Post-Confederation
        * HIST 3292.03   Wealth and Power in North America
        * HIST 3282.03 Public History
        * HIST 3292.03  Wealth and Power in North America
        * HIST 3302.03   Technology and History in North America
        * HIST 3331.03   The United States, Canada and the World
        * HIST 3370.03  North American Landscapes
        * HIST 3750.03   History of Seafaring
        * HIST 4222.03   Topics in Canadian Social History, 19th and 20th Centuries
        * HIST 4271.03   The Fisheries of Atlantic Canada - Society and Ecology in Historical Perspective

    Please Note: 3000-level classes have prerequisites which apply to Canadian Studies students as well as History majors.

    Journalism Classes Approved with Canadian Studies

        * JOUR 3333.03: News Media and the Courts in Canada

    Law Classes Approved  With Canadian Studies

        * LAWS 2123.03  Canadian Legal History (Note: This class cannot be used by non-Law students to obtain advanced standing.)  

    Music Classes Approved  With Canadian Studies

        * MUSC 3064.03   Women in Canadian Music
        * MUSC 3362.03   Music in Canada to 1950
        * MUSC 3363.03   Music in Canada since 1950

    Political Science Classes Approved  With Canadian Studies

        * POLI 2210.03   Unity and Diversity: The dynamics of Canadian Federalism
        * POLI 2220.03   Political Power and Partisan Politics
        * POLI 3205.03   Canadian Political Thought
        * POLI 3220.03   Intergovernmental Relationships in Canada
        * POLI 3224.03   Canadian Political Parties
        * POLI 3233.03   Canadian Political Economy
        * POLI 3235.03   Regional Political Economy in Canada
        * POLI 3251X/Y.06   Canadian Public Administration
        * POLI 3570/Y.06   Canadian Foreign Policy
        * POLI 3571X/Y.06   The Politics of Contemporary Canadian Defence Policy
        * POLI 4240.03   Policy Formulation in Canada
        * POLI 4241.03   Introduction to Policy Analysis

    Sociology and Social Anthropology Classes Approved With Canadian Studies

        * SOSA 2110.06 Exploring Canadian Society
        * SOSA 3002.03   Native Peoples of Canada
        * SOSA 3008.03   Canadian Society and Politics
        * SOSA 3009.03   Public Opinion in Canada
        * SOSA 3185.03 Issues in the Study of Native People

    PLEASE NOTE:   These classes are not offered every year. However, there are numerous Canadian content classes in the Department. Students should consult with the Chair and then with the Coordinator of Canadian Studies.

    Theatre Classes Approved With Canadian Studies

        * THEA 4500.03   Canadian Colonial Theatre
        * THEA 4501.03   Canadian Post-colonial Theatre
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