University of Windsor


      The University of Windsor is located at the crossroads of North America, 15 minutes from the start of Highway 401 or Michigan’s I-75, and facing one of Canada’s most beautiful waterfronts on the Detroit River. That location speaks to UWindsor’s greatness as an internationally oriented, multi-disciplined institution that actively encourages a broad diversity of students, faculty and staff. Those strengths vault it to the forefront of Canadian universities in the creation of an awareness and appreciation of difference — difference in ethnic backgrounds, difference in cultures and difference in dreams.

      From that diversity, the University fosters an atmosphere of close cooperation between faculty and students, creating a unifying atmosphere of excellence across all of its faculties to encourage lifelong learning, teaching, research and discovery.

      Its basic characteristics of openness, warmth and support make the University of Windsor an exceptionally welcoming community for students and faculty from Asia, Europe, and Africa — or from just down the street.

      Now entering its most ambitious capital expansion since its founding in 1963, UWindsor just opened its Medical Education Building, which houses the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry – Windsor Program. As well, with the help of $40 million in Ontario government funding, the University will build a new 300,000-square-foot, $110-million Centre for Engineering Innovation, a structure that will establish revolutionary design standards across Canada and beyond. The buildings are two of the touchstones for our tagline, Thinking Forward.

      The University of Windsor expects great vision and achievement from its 16,000 full-time graduate and undergraduate students as they assume responsibility for their future and that of the world around them. And it gives them the fullest opportunity, encouragement and help to meet the challenge, and more.

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