University of Manitoba


Welcome to the University of Manitoba – western Canada's first university. Located in the city of Winnipeg, the University of Manitoba is the province's premier post-secondary educational institution and its only research-intensive university.

      In a typical year, the university has an enrolment of over 26,000 students - 22,500 undergraduate and 3,500 graduate. The University of Manitoba offers the largest selection of degree programs, including professional and graduate programs, of any university in the province. In all, more than 90 degree programs are offered, over 60 at the undergraduate level. The University of Manitoba is also home to a wide range of research centres and institutes, and Smartpark Research and Technology Park, a community of innovators that forges collaborations between university and industry.

The University of Manitoba understands that your education goes beyond the classroom, that's why you’ll have the chance to be more than just a student here.

      At the U of M you have the opportunity to be a leader on a student committee, a journalist for the student-run Manitoban newspaper, a performer at the Black Hole Theatre Company, a DJ for the campus radio station, a spirited fan at a Bisons sports game, or a youth leader at a summer Mini-U camp. With over 100 student organizations, clubs, and recreational activities to choose from the University of Manitoba has something to offer you!

Every year, many of Canada's best and brightest students come to the University of Manitoba to discover their strengths, pursue their dreams and forge their futures.

      Combine these sharp, inquisitive minds with world-class professors who bring expertise and knowledge to the classroom every day and you have a dynamic collaboration that inspires excellence.

      Sharing in the quest for a vaccine for HIV/AIDS, unlocking the mysteries of the ancient world in Africa, mastering a tricky jazz riff, or conducting climate change research on an ice-breaker in the Arctic as part of an international team, University of Manitoba students have the opportunity to work alongside the best research minds in the world.

      University of Manitoba faculty know the importance of sharing their research and scholarship with students and they do so every time they step into the classroom.

Steeped in tradition and excellence that stems back 131 years, the University of Manitoba has grown to be the largest and most recognized post-secondary educational institution in the province.

      The University of Manitoba is also home to a wide range of research centres and institutes, and Smartpark Research and Technology Park, a community of innovators that forges collaborations between university and industry.

Research and Innovation

      In a rapidly changing global community, innovation becomes more than just a catchword, it becomes a necessity. At the University of Manitoba, our innovative research has led to discoveries and advances that have changed the lives of people around the world. And we’ve been doing it for more than a century.

      From the development of canola to significant advances in functional foods and nutraceuticals. From the elimination of Rh disease in newborns to landmark discoveries in the fight against HIV/AIDS. From the microscopic world of nanotechnology to the global impact of climate change, the University of Manitoba continues to be at the forefront of innovation.

      Of course, research requires people, and that’s where the University of Manitoba truly shines. Our researchers are not only leaders in their fields, they are also educators and mentors who bring their pioneering research into the university’s classrooms as it happens.

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