Master of Business Administration - Accounting Stream

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Master of Business Administration - Accounting Stream

  • Objectives The MBA program at Brock is designed to provide talented individuals the opportunity to obtain an advanced professional business education that will enable them to realize their full potential and career goals. The program provides students with advanced management education, including advanced knowledge relating to professional business designations. This objective is carried out in the program by emphasizing the development and integration of the broad-based, functional business knowledge needed to advance an individual's management career. At the same time, students are allowed the opportunity to develop in-depth specialized knowledge in a selected field.
  • Entry requirements Designed for students seeking an integrated managerial accounting focus. This program is a combined CMA/MBA program that leads to the CMA designation and advanced standing in the CA and CGA Programs.
  • Academic title Master of Business Administration - Accounting Stream
  • Course description Term 1 -
    Course Number     Course Name
    MBAB 5P01             Accounting for Decision-Making I
    MBAB 5P02             Quantitative Analysis
    MBAB 5P03             Economic Environment of Business
    MBAB 5P04             Organizational Behaviour and Design
    MBAB 5P08             Financial Management

    Term 2-
    Course Number     Course Name
    MBAB 5P05             Marketing Management
    MBAB 5P06             Accounting for Decision-Making II
    MBAB 5P07             Operations Management
    MBAB 5P09             Management Information Systems
    MBAB 5P22             Global Business

    Term 3 -

    Course Number     Course Name
    MBAB 5P20             Applied Business Research
    MBAB 5P25             Business Ethics
    MBAB 5P41*           Financial Statement Analysis
    MBAB 5P42*           Equity Investments, Markets & Instruments
    MBAB 5P43*           Debt Investments

    Term 4 -
    Course Number     Course Name
    MBAB 5P21             Business Strategy
    MBAB 5P__             Specified MBA Elective
    MBAB 5P44*           Derivative Investments
    MBAB 5P45*           International Finance
    MBAB 5P46*           Portfolio Management & Alternative Investments

    * Elective courses will be offered only if sufficient student demand exists. Substitutions of electives may be made at the discretion of the relevant Department.


    MBAB 5P01 Accounting for Decision-Making I

    The functional basics of accounting for management and business decisions. Data collection, classification, processing and interpretation.

    MBAB 5P02 Quantitative Analysis

    Statistical and quantitative approaches to business decision making, analysis of business problems including descriptive statistics, regression and forecasting techniques, linear programming and decision tree analysis.

    MBAB 5P03 Economic Environment of Business

    Macro and micro economic concepts related to business decision making including sales taxes and subsidies, consumer and production theory and various market structures such as discriminating monopoly, oligopoly and dominant firms. The determinants of levels of national income, employment, interest rates, inflation and prices in the Canadian economy. Government monetary, fiscal and international economic policies.

    MBAB 5P04 Organizational Behaviour and Design

    Individual, group and organizational processes in organizations. Micro level topics include motivation, leadership, individual perception and attitudes, group dynamics and conflict management. Organization theory (macro) topics include organization design; environment, technology and structure, power and politics in organizations and organizational culture.

    MBAB 5P05 Marketing Management

    Demonstrating the role of marketing in the firm, exploring the relationship of marketing to other functions, and helping students to learn how to make marketing decisions in the context of general management.

    MBAB 5P06 Accounting for Decision-Making II

    An examination of financial reporting issues and managerial accounting techniques in the context of problem solving and decision making in business.

    MBAB 5P07 Operations Management

    Managerial issues relating to the operations function of organizations, concepts and techniques of operations-production management, product and service design, process selection, facility location and layout, quality management, planning, inventory and supply-chain management, project management and management of new technologies.

    MBAB 5P08 Financial Management

    Concepts, instruments and techniques used for financial decision making. Emphasis is on the maximization of shareholders' wealth and on the role of the financial manager in choosing the appropriate techniques for typical problem solving.

    MBAB 5P09 Management Information Systems

    Information systems and their application in business organizations. Key management issues with respect to the use of computer and information technology in modern business environments. The various tools of information systems and the interrelationships of computer systems and telecommunications as management challenges in the technology age.

    MBAB 5P20 Applied Business Research

    The basic tools of business research to gather, record, and analyze data for aid in making business decisions. Survey design, scales, multivariate analysis and non-parametric measures.

    MBAB 5P21 Business Strategy

    The development of plans and activities that integrate the various operating and support functions of an organization to effect strategies of competitive positioning. The tasks of governance and leadership related to the dynamic nature of corporate strategy. The accountability of the firm to internal and external stakeholders.

    MBAB 5P22 Global Business

    Exposes students to numerous challenges a firm faces as it attempts to internationalize its operations. At the end of the course the student is expected to have a better understanding of the micro factors which make management of international businesses distinct from domestic businesses. The topics to be covered include the international aspects of business functions, entry strategies, site selection, world trade developments and ethics in international business.

    MBAB 5P23 Entrepreneurship

    Theories of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, entrepreneurial attributes, new venture creation processes, web based business operations, and business plan preparation.

    MBAB 5P24 Business Law

    The legal environment of business and basic legal considerations for business organizations including forms of organization, liability of owners, shareholders, directors and managers.

    MBAB 5P25 Business Ethics

    Ethical theory and cases pertaining to business individuals, business organizations, and political-economic systems. Topics may include basic concepts of philosophical ethics; the rights and responsibilities of shareholders and other stakeholders; corporate governance; moral issues in international business; moral obligations to consumers; workplace issues; the natural environment; the relation of ethics and law; capitalism and its critics; future directions for the relationship of business to the rest of society.

    MBAB 5P91 Research Project II (0.5 credits)
    MBAB 5P92 Research Project III (0.5 credits)
    MBAB 5P93 Research Project IV (0.5 credits)
    MBAB 5F91 Research Project I (1.0 credits)

    An independent research project in the area of specialization supervised by a faculty member. Projects can be literature based, applied organization based or focussed on empirical data.


    MBAB 5P41 Financial Statement Analysis

    Analysis of financial accounting procedures and the rules that govern disclosure. Emphasis in on basic financial statements and how alternative accounting methods affect those statements and the analysis of financial statement relationships.

    MBAB 5P42 Equity Investments, Markets, and Instruments

    Selecting an investment in a global market and the organization, structures, and functioning of securities markets. Discussion of the security market indicator series and the efficient capital markets. An introduction to security valuation, stock market analysis, industry analysis, company analysis, stock selection and technical analysis, with discounted cash flow implications.

    MBAB 5P43 Debt Investments

    Features and valuation of fixed income securities. Risk and returns associated with investing in bonds. Analysis of debt instruments with unique features.

    MBAB 5P44 Derivative Instruments

    Introduction to options, futures and swap markets. Pricing principles and theory of these derivative securities as they apply to various trading and hedging strategies.

    MBAB 5P45 International Finance

    Overview of the international financial environment, the theoretical and practical aspects of the various international financial markets, and the impact of the international environment on the financial decision making of the individual and the firm.

    MBAB 5P46 Portfolio Management and Alternative Investments

    Portfolio management policies for individual and institutional investors, asset allocation, general portfolio construction and revision, equity and fixed-income portfolio management strategies, real estate portfolio management, and hedging strategies. Performance measurement, performance attribution analysis, and AIMR performance presentation standardsTM are presented. Analysis of real estate and currency or foreign exchange investments and investment companies.

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