Certificate in Pastoral Ministry

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Certificate in Pastoral Ministry

  • Objectives The Pastoral Ministry program provides an introduction to the basic knowledge necessary to conduct pastoral caregiving; Reading Scripture for understanding and spiritual nourishment; Introductions to caregiving in the Christian Church and to theological and ethical thought; Traditional Christian beliefs as these developed through history, and are collected in a contemporary catechism; Prayer and spirituality as these have been practised and experienced in the Church; The reality of the Church, its sacramental life and pastoral practice; Training in interpersonal and group skills that will be needed in dealing with people in various situations; The Certificate attests that graduates have acquired a basic knowledge and skills to engage in pastoral activities.
  • Academic title Certificate in Pastoral Ministry
  • Course description     *  15 required credits in the New Testament, pastoral caregiving, practicum in pastoral caregiving, interpersonal communication and relationships and working in task groups
        * 15 elective credits in Theology: Gospels and Acts or Epistles and Revelations, the history of Christianity: reformation and modernity, the Christian understanding of God, Jesus Christ in history and faith, the Church in the world, word and sacrament, ethical issues, Christian spirituality, private prayer and public worship, introduction to Roman Catholicism.

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