Ukranian Course

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Comments about Ukranian Course - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Course description
    Ukranian Course - College Platon

    Full Time Courses

    Although this course is open to all students, it is especially designed for Foreign Students. Classes are given 5 hours daily from Monday to Friday for 6 months. It is required by the Canadian Immigration that foreigners study at a Canadian Institution for a minimum of 6 months if a student wishes to obtain a student visa. Attendance is imperative in the case of Foreign Students and any person who does not attend classes regularly will automatically be reported to Immigration authorities. A student visa is not required for 6 months or less. This program is offered to those who want to learn a new language fluently and accurately very quickly. Homework is assigned every day and students are able to see their progress through corrections of their assignements in class.

    Group Instruction

    The classes are given in 1 lesson of 3 hours each per week. The days and hours of each class depend on the demand of the language and level in question.

    There are 6 levels: beginner's (1-2), intermediate (1-2) and advanced (1-2). The student will be placed accordingly after a written and oral interview with the Director.

    Private Courses- All Languages

    The private class is constituted in the same manner as the group instruction with the sole difference that the student is individually instructed. It may also be taken intensively. The student has the advantage of preparing a schedule that is most convenient for him/her (providing that the instructor is available at the desired time). Please contact us for more information.

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