Master of Education - Administration and Leadership in Education

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Comments about Master of Education - Administration and Leadership in Education - At the institution - Calgary - Alberta

  • Objectives
    The Master of Education (MEd) degree program at Brock University is designed to improve the professional competence of practitioners and researchers.
  • Academic title
    Master of Education - Administration and Leadership in Education
  • Course description
    This field of specialization engages students in a critical examination of theories that influence administrative practice, with the aim of understanding, creating, and sustaining ethical and humane educational institutions and developing an informed administrative identity.

    Administration and Leadership in Education

    EDUC 5P60

    Constructions of Organization

    Analysis of organizational theories as they relate to educational institutions. Emphasis on how people shape and are shaped by organizations and how reciprocal processes affect administrative and professional practice.

    Note: Failure to obtain a minimum grade of 70% in EDUC 5P60 may result in withdrawal from the program.

    EDUC 5P62

    Politics, Power, and Policy in Education

    Examination of policymaking as a political process. Focus on the actors who negotiate educational policy and their conflicting and shared interests.

    Note: Failure to obtain a minimum grade of 70% in EDUC 5P62 may result in withdrawal from the program.

    EDUC 5P63

    Accountability and Education

    Critical and historical examination of accountability. Influence of ideology and governance on educational practice.

    Note: Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 5V82.

    EDUC 5P64

    Ethics in Educational Decision Making

    Exploration of the consequential nature of decision making. Analysis of the impacts of discretionary power, ethical frameworks and decision-making models on administrative practice.

    Note: Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 5V83.

    EDUC 5P65

    Constructing an Administrative Identity

    Confronting common and sensitive administrative challenges in educational organizations using issue-based approach. Focus on social and psychological dimensions of defining and constructing administrative identity.

    EDUC 5P70

    The Social Context of Administration

    Examination of the role of educational administrators in perpetuating and/or disturbing social order. Focus on educational administrators' obligations and entry points into social justice policies, practices, and discourses.

    EDUC 5P72

    Effecting Change in Education

    Analysis of mandated and emergent change in educational institutions. Focus on developing informed responses that balance stability and change for sustainable improvement.

    EDUC 5P73

    Challenges of Educational Leadership

    Exploration of purposes and assumptions of leadership in educational contexts. Examining tensions and connections between leadership and management in administrative and professional practice.

    EDUC 5P74

    Life in Educational Organizations

    Examination of interpersonal tensions and dynamics in educational settings. Focus on shared and contested norms and assumptions that affect growth, development, and practice of all organizational members.

    EDUC 5P75

    Resource Allocation in Education

    Examination of political economies of education through theories and practices of resource acquisition and distribution. Analyzing linkages among interests, resources, decisions, and outcomes.

    EDUC 5P76

    Living with(in) the Law

    Examination of issues, interests and judgments in education case law. Analyzing how legal decisions influence administrative and professional practice.

    EDUC 5P77

    Learning in Organizations

    Examination of contested theories and practices in organizational learning and knowledge systems. Exploration of the influence of personal learning experiences on organizational learning.

    Note: Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 5V89.

    EDUC 5V80-5V89

    Special Topics in Administration and Leadership in Education

    Seminar for students wishing to study a specific problem area in Administration and Leadership in Education.

    General Courses

    EDUC 5F95

    Thesis Tutorial in Educational Studies

    A research project carried out in collaboration with a faculty adviser and relevant resource personnel.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 5P90.

    EDUC 5N99

    Graduate Seminar in Education

    A non-credit graduate seminar that focuses on issues in graduate studies and educational research student's encounter while developing their programs of study and preparing their proposals, projects and theses.

    Note: This course is a required course for all full-time students.

    EDUC 5P90

    Project/Thesis Proposal Tutorial

    A proposal that provides the framework for the student's project or thesis. The proposal will be formally presented to the project supervisor. Prerequisite: All required core courses and electives, including l "EDUC5P90" EDUC 5P92 or permission of the Graduate Program Director.

    Note: The proposal contract form must be completed and returned to the Graduate Department of the Faculty of Education before students are allowed to register for this course.

    EDUC 5P92

    An Introduction to Educational Research

    Interdisciplinary analysis of research methods used in education with an emphasis on basic research concepts and their application.

    Note: this is a required course for all students; failure to obtain a minimum grade of 70% in this course could result in withdrawal from the program.

    EDUC 5P93

    Project Tutorial in Educational Studies

    Individual investigation or analysis of an issue/area in contemporary educational practice. Topic must be approved by a faculty advisor who will also supervise and guide the student during the preparation of the project. Students are required to prepare two copies of the final document according to the published MEd project guidelines.

    Prerequisite: EDUC 5P90.

    EDUC 5P94

    Advanced Writing Seminar

    An interdisciplinary approach to scholarly writing and publishing in higher education. Exploration of the stages of the writing and publishing cycle in relation to personal interests, and a sense of self as writer.

    EDUC 5P96

    Educational Internship

    A one-semester field experience for MEd students not normally available through either course-work or the exit requirements. Provides an opportunity for students to work as an apprentice to a field mentor on specific learning goals.

    Prerequisite: Permission of Department Chair on the basis of a written application.

    Note: Only one internship course may count towards the MEd degree. Applications must specify the name and role of the field mentor as well as the name of a faculty supervisor. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 5V96.

    EDUC 5P98

    Independent Study in Education

    Specialized study on an individual basis under the direction of a faculty supervisor.

    Prerequisite: Permission of Department Chair on the basis of a written application.

    Note: Only one independent study course may count towards the MEd degree.

    EDUC 5P99

    Introduction to Studies in Education

    Education as a field of study and multiple ways of knowing. Review of current educational theories, trends, and issues. Provides a foundation for research literacy.

    Note: Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 5P55.

    EDUC 5V90-5V98

    Special Topics in Graduate Education

    Seminar for special topics of a general nature.

Other programs related to education administration

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